Affirm - I enjoy my deeply connected life and I lead it with an outpouring of warmth, abundance, and love.

Deck: The Light Seer's Tarot
Author: Chris-Anne
Publisher: Hay House
LIGHT SEER: A healer, a working parent, a self-made person, material wealth and abundance, strength in family and community, a kind and nurturing heart, groundedness, being down-to-earth, generosity.
SHADOW SEER: Financial stress, being self-absorbed, smothering others, helicopter parenting, overindulgence work-home imbalances, materialism.
This self-made Queen reminds you to step into abundance by shifting any shadows you are holding on to around wealth and security. You are safe. Pay attention to your finances to level-up your money game, and give yourself permission to rise into the upper ranks. This is a positive message of creature comforts and happiness, and this earthly medicine ushers in a life well lived in the material world. Connect with nature to find your calm, healing, and rooted power, and harness the abundance that's available to you by bringing groundedness to your situation. Shower others with warm blessings from a charitable heart., as loyalty, family, and community are themes at this time. Your nurturing and down-to-earth approach will gift stability and support to those in your life. Don't overextend your energy and avoid enabling others by over-mothering them. They must learn to walk on their own. Bring your self-worth and guidance, and your glorious, powerful love.
Affirmation - I enjoy my deeply connected life and I lead it with an outpouring of warmth, abundance, and love.
About The Light Seer's Tarot - by Chris-Anne - This stunning healing tarot deck is a true gem for anyone seeking self-discovery and guidance. It beautifully merges traditional tarot archetypes with modern, relatable imagery, inviting you to explore both the light and shadow aspects of your nature. Each card features expressive characters set against rich, evocative landscapes, telling stories that inspire reflection and insight. This unique deck serves as a thoughtful companion on your journey, helping you illuminate the hidden corners of your life and soul with clarity and compassion.
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